Energy-efficient materials and wearable devices
25 february 2019 носимая электроника энергоэффективность умные материалы Янг Бай wearable electronics Гривцова Университет ИТМО молодые ученые
On 25 April 2019 from 11:40 am to 03:00 pm (MSK) will be holding an open lecture "Energy-efficient materials and wearable devices" prepared by Dr. Yang Bai, Assistant Professor of University of Oulu, Finland. The lecture is organized for students and staff of ITMO University at Pereulok Grivtsova 14-16 (Assembly Hall, room 430). The scientist visits ITMO University to give a course of lectures "Smart materials and devices potentially useful for lighting industry" for master students of the International Program in Lighting Design.

Short bio
Dr. Yang Bai is a tenure track Assistant Professor for Small-power Self-sufficient Sensor System in Microelectronics Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland. He obtained his Bachelor degree of Materials Science and Engineering in 2011 at Tianjin University, China, and PhD degree of Metallurgy and Materials in 2015 at University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. In 2016, he was granted a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship under European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. He is also an elected committee member of the IOP (Institute of Physics) Energy Group, UK. His research interests include multi-functional perovskites, photo-ferroelectrics, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials for smart sensing and energy harvesting technologies.
Course I – Energy-efficient materials and wearable devices (4 hours, 2 lectures)
Functional materials nowadays tend to become flexible and printable. This gives more and more freedom to design and fabricate wearable devices for wellbeing, medical and IoT (Internet of Things) applications, e.g. in-vivo medical sensors, electronic skins used for prosthetics or robots and ubiquitous sensors embedded in sport equipment. Along with the numerous potential applications comes an issue – the power supply for those sensors. While it is relatively easy to make the sensing materials to be flexible, it is more difficult to make flexible batteries. Flexible capacitors or supercapacitors may help to solve the issue in some cases, however, wearable devices are preferred to be self-powered, i.e. to be independent of batteries, especially in medical applications. In order to be self-powered, the entire wearable electronic systems need to be designed to be able to run in an energy-efficient mode.
In this course, novel energy-efficient materials and structures will be introduced (Lecture 1). New wearable applications triggered by such materials and structures will also be discussed (Lecture 2). After this course, the students or attendees will briefly understand the insights of energy conversion and storage materials to be used for self-powered, autonomous wearable devices.

Course II – Smart materials and devices potentially useful for lighting industry (12 hours, 6 lectures)
The development of lighting industry has been stimulated by the emergence of new, smart materials. For instance, the invention of LED (light-emitting diodes) made from wide band gap semiconductors has provided broader and energy-efficient choices for the light source. Nowadays, harmonized with human’s common theme of reducing emission thus controlling climate change, energy-efficient light sources alone cannot meet the requirements due to the incredibly large quantity of global light usage and demand. In another words, the way of using those light sources must be designed in a smarter way, in order to ensure both that people can get access to enough and visually comfortable/beautiful light sources and that the light sources are only lit when necessary – i.e. smart control of light.
In this course, energy-efficient illumination materials to be used as modern light sources will be introduced (Lecture 1). Some of these illumination materials can be designed to optical and other smart sensors in the meantime, e.g. with photoluminescence and photovoltaic effect (Lecture 2). Energy-efficient power supplies for the light sources, as well as potential integrated power supply-light source designs, will also be introduced (Lecture 3). With energy-efficient power supplies, light source and smart sensors, a smart controlling system can then be designed (Lecture 4). In Lecture 5, a brainstorming seminar will be organized. In the seminar, the students or attendees may discuss their experience or new ideas for lighting industry, combining the knowledge obtained and creative thinking raised during the first four lectures. In Lecture 6, some potential research projects and topics will be planned, described and discussed. Specific requests including visiting research interests, research funding requests/opportunities for PhD degrees in University of Oulu, Finland, networking requests, etc. will also bee discussed.
As described above, this course combines knowledge transfer lectures and creative discussions. After the course, the students and attendees will be able to understand the fundamentals of some smart materials and controlling systems, as well as generate some new research ideas supporting their further study or research. For those who would like to pursue an interdisciplinary career, this course will provide a platform for exploring potential research topics, funding opportunities, laboratories and supervisors.
Entrance is free of charge
Venue: Assembly Hall, room 430, Pereulok Grivtsova 14-16
Language: English