
Ph.D. in architecture, the Head of ITMO's International Master's Program in Lighting Design and Responsible Representative of ITMO’s working group on topic "Lighting environment" in the project office "Smart St. Petersburg". She has 10+ years of professional experience and worked on more than 20 research papers on Lighting Design. In 2014, Natalia Bystriantseva was awarded the National Award "Architecture and Design". She has managed applied research and development projects for the local authorities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Her work focuses on an integrated approach to the sustainable development of an urban lighting environment in a long-term perspective with the accent on the creation of concepts and analytical solutions that can be adapted to changes in an investment climate and the tasks of local authorities.
Elena Lekus, Ph.D. in cultural studies, Associate Professor at ITMO's Faculty of Applied Optics, and a lecturer at International Master's Program in Lighting Design. She started her professional career in 1998 as a reporter at the New World of Art journal. From 2000 to 2012, she worked as an artist, culture expert, and curator at the creative association Creative Item Studio. Elena is a member of RULD, the Creative Association of Russian Lighting Designers. She has curated a range of art projects and exhibitions in renowned Russian museums and exhibition halls such as the State Russian Museums and the Manege Central Exhibition Hall. The author of 20+ academic publications, she is actively involved in applied research about lighting culture and the impact of lighting on the socio-cultural environment.
In 2001, Ilia Smilga graduated from the St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design with a degree in environmental design. He has 25 years of professional experience in graphic design and environmental design. In 2005, Ilya started his teaching career at St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design. In 2016, he joined ITMO University as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Optics and International Master's Program in Lighting Design. Ilia Smilga is an author of disciplines “Principles and Methods of Light Modelling” and “Creative Technologies”. His professional interests include design, parametric systems, and creative technologies.
In 2009, Ekaterina Lungu graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in international journalism. In 2004, she started her professional career as a reporter. In 2007, she worked as a news reporter at the 11th St. Petersburg Economic Forum. From 2009 to 2010, she worked as an analyst at WONDERBUILD, a business journal about the funding of SMEs. From 2011 to 2012, Ekaterina worked as an editor at the Premium Media Group company, and from 2012 to 2015, she worked as an editor at the Retailer Publishing House. In 2015, she joined ITMO University as a tutor at the Faculty of Applied Optics. She is in charge of international communication, marketing and PR at CLD ITMO University.
In 2012, Svetlana Kolgushkina graduated with honors from Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a Master's degree in electronics engineering and microelectronics. She is currently pursuing her PhD in applied optics at ITMO University. Svetlana Kolgushkina started her career in 2010 as an engineer at the Russian Lighting Research Institute Named After S.I. Vavilov (VNISI). She worked there until 2011 when she joined the Philips company as a lighting engineer. In 2014, she got the position of a lighting engineer at the Lighting Design Project company, where she worked until 2015 when she joined ITMO University as a lecturer at the International Master's Program in Lighting Design. Svetlana Kolgushkina's research interests include light pollution, psychology of visual perception, and physiological optics.
In 2016, Daria Chirimisina graduated from Samara State Technical University (Samara Polytech) with a degree in Design. In 2018, she graduated from ITMO University with a Master's degree in Lighting Design. In 2017, she was awarded the LIT Design Award envisioned to celebrate the creativity and innovation in the fields of lighting products and application. Daria started her professional career at ITMO University in 2018 as an engineer at the Faculty of Applied Optics and staff of the University's International Master's Program in Lighting Design. Her research interests include lighting design, media art, and emotional artificial intelligence.
Roman Antonov has been working at ITMO University since 2016. By that time he finished his Bachelor's degree at ITMO University's Faculty of Laser and Light Engineering. In 2018, he graduated from ITMO University with a Master's degree in Lighting Design. Roman is currently an assistant at ITMO's Faculty of Applied Optics, and lecturer at ITMO's international Master's program in Lighting Design. He is the author of the discipline "Metadesign: design and forecasting". His research interests include design, entrepreneurship, and innovations.
In 2016, Valeria Lukinskaya finished her Bachelor's degree at ITMO University's Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems. In 2018, she graduated from ITMO University with a Master's degree in Lighting Design. In 2018, she started her professional career at ITMO University's International Master's Program in Lighting Design. She is coauthor of the discipline "Principles and Methods of Lighting Modelling". Valeria Lukinskaya's professional interests include lighting design, graphic design, and media art.

In 1999, Tatiana Vidiaeva graduated from Pskov State University with a degree in philology. In 2007, she participated in the Russian-American vocational training program in Human Resource Management at IAAE School of Business. From 2008 to 2014, she worked the Head of English language school English Now. From 2014 to 2018, Tatiana was the Head of educational programs at the Higher School of Economics. In 2018, she joined ITMO University as an engineer at Faculty of Applied Optics and coordinator of International Master's Program Lighting Design. Tatiana Vidiaeva's research interests include international higher education, internationalization of higher education, and regulatory legal acts in the field of education.
In 2013, Yulia Zhukovich graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in management. She has 5+ years of professional experience in the field of human resource management. In 2016, she started her professional career at ITMO University as a tutor at the Faculty of Applied Optics. Yulia Zhukovich is in charge of project management of ITMO's International Master's Program in Lighting Design assistance in the development of discipline "Creative Technologies".