The environment in which you start to solve problems
13 may 2019 festival of light lighting installation lighting show mapping lighting design future technologies
The international festival "Night of light in Gatchina" published the list of 19 best lighting installations selected by the jury to participate in the competitive program during the festival on 16-17 August 2019. Until June 30, the organizers are waiting for the content to participate in the second nomination "Videomapping".
On the results of the jury selection and the expert examination of the festival organizing committee, the following participants are invited to take part in the summer art-residence in Gatchina (Nomination "Lighting Installations"):
Angelova Lyubov (Saint-Petersburg), "Orthomolecule"
Andreev Maxim (St. Petersburg), "Rain made to order", "Atlantis"
Andreev Alexander, Andreev Mikhail (St. Petersburg), “Fusion”
Delgyado Anna, (St. Petersburg), “Once upon a time under the bridge”
Goncharova Vasilisa (Moscow), “Toads want to fly”
Kuznetsov Dmitry, (St. Petersburg), “IN-fluence effect”
Lomaev Alexander (St. Petersburg), “Havana sunset”
Mikhailova Anastasia, Ustinova Alisa (St. Petersburg), “The World Mirror”, “Are we alone?”
Molodovskaya Valeriya (St. Petersburg), “Star dust”
Muravyova Ekaterina (St. Petersburg), “Lake”
Punin Andrey (St. Petersburg), “Aqua Mirror”
Rylov Andrey, Mezentsev Maxim (Izhevsk), “Atmospheric reflection”
Sovetnikov Petr (St. Petersburg), “A curtain, a lantern, and a well”
Terskikh Anna (St. Petersburg), “Fishermen”
Tumanyan Arthur (Moscow), “Dialogue with water”
Volpi Elena, Gerasimenko Julia, Lauren de Gennaro, Fabiana Porreca (Milan, Italy) “Chords of light”
Zeiny Aslany Shahabedin (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), “H2O”
From the 7th up to the 15th of August , 2019 the contestants will be creating their art objects in the art-residence on the territory of Gatchina Park that will be presented to public on the 16th and the 17th of August.
The topic of the competition program is "Reflections". Young artists, lighting designers, architects and representatives of technical specialities can take part in the competition. The works are evaluated by an authoritative jury from the different fields of knowledge such as culture, art and lighting design. The competition has two rounds. First one is the selection of applications. The second one is the creation and exhibition of selected lighting installations at the festival. This year there are two nominations — "Lighting installations" and "Video mapping". According to the results of the festival, a prize in the amount of 100 thousand rubles is awarded for the winner in the first nomination, and 50 thousand rubles for the victory in the second nomination. Also for all finalists would be memorable prizes and diplomas.
Last year, 25 projects took part in the competition program of the festival. The victory was won by the project Esc of CLD's graduate Maria Kobyakova and the creative collective of Haptic Team. With two projects "Rain" and "Criticism of Pure Reason" two student teams CLD ITMO University passed to the final. Why did the festival become a bright event in the life of our graduates and students? Read below in the comments of the participants.
A place to meet customers
Maria Kobyakova, a graduate of CLD ITMO University, co-developer of the winning project in 2018
— The festival has become for us (members of the Haptic Team) an excellent start and a strength test. To come up with an original concept and create a stylish presentation is not enough. Participated you will gain experience in organizing work, assigning tasks and planning time. You may even find your vocation, as we did: we met with our first clients here. The money prize from the victory in the competition we invested in our own workshop. This year we are going to take part again: the festival gives an opportunity to experiment, create something new and immediately see the result — the feedback from visitors.
The environment in which you start to solve problems
Olga Poskrebysheva, a master student of CLD ITMO University, author of the installation "Rain", 2018
— The festival is a good platform to understand the principles of the implementation of lighting solutions in terms of large open spaces and short deadlines to install objects. You will have to learn quickly how to communicate with representatives of different structures and hierarchies — volunteers, artists, and managers. During the working process, you will get the skills of project management and the distribution of tasks among team members. Also, you will get new acquaintances with experts related to lighting design sphere. In general, one way or another you will feel yourself as a significant part of a large single organism.
A chance to understand your strengths and weaknesses
Ekaterina Svyatlovich, a master student of CLD ITMO University, a member of the creative team of the installation "Rain", 2018
— The preparatory stage and the stage of the project implementation helped to objectively assess their skills and capabilities. Any of your talents, even the most unexpected, can be useful here. The potential of a team that is ready to work despite the weather conditions and technical difficulties can be fully revealed during the working process on the festival.

Feedback from a large audience
Ian Koval, a master student of CLD ITMO University, festival visitor 2018
— I did not participate in the competition program. I went to the festival to see the work of my group mates. It was nice to see interest in the projects from the visitors. Their reaction was direct evidence that we are able to create interesting projects for a large audience. Of course, there are always flaws, but such events provide valuable experience that will help you avoid mistakes in the future and become a professional in your field.
Gatchina Park as a canvas for an artist
Valeria Molodovskaya, a graduate of CLD ITMO University, author of the installation of "Moon Water", 2017
— The festival provides an excellent opportunity to talk to people by the language of light. For budding artists, architects and lighting designers, this is the right place to try your hand and find inspiration in the rich landscape of the park. You are given a huge canvas, where you as an artist begin to paint a picture. The main thing — do not spoil it.

The competition organizers
Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum, Russian Literary Agency, ITMO University (CLD ITMO University)
The competition is supported by the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture
Coordinator of the competition:
Elena Vild